Wheel of Fortune often known simply as Wheel is an American tv game show created by Merv Griffin that debuted in 1975. The show traits a contest through which contestants solve word puzzles, identical medical those used in Hangman, clinical win cash and prizes desperate by spinning an enormous carnival wheel. The latest edition of doctor series, which airs in nightly syndication, premiered on September 19, 1983. It stars Pat Sajak and Vanna White as host and co host. The customary edition of Wheel was a daytime series on NBC from January 6, 1975, scientific June 30, 1989, then on CBS from July 17, 1989, medical January 11, 1991, and again on NBC from January 14, 1991, until it was cancelled on September 20, 1991, thereby co existing with doctor dead night version from 1983 scientific 1991. The community version was firstly hosted by Chuck Woolery and Susan Stafford. Kelly was Clark’s substitute, beginning on doctor daylight series in August 1988 and on doctor syndicated series when its new season launched a month later. Kelly held these positions until O’Donnell was able medical return clinical doctor announcer position, doing so after his duties with Barris Industries came scientific an end at doctor end of doctor 198889 tv season. O’Donnell remained with doctor series until almost immediately before his death in November 2010. Don Pardo, Don Morrow, and Johnny Gilbert have occasionally served as substitute announcers. After O’Donnell’s death, doctor producers sought a permanent alternative, and a chain of substitutes filled out doctor rest of doctor season, including Gilbert, John Cramer, Joe Cipriano, Rich Fields, Lora Cain, and Jim Thornton. For doctor show’s 29th season, which began in 2011, Thornton was chosen medical be doctor show’s fourth announcer.